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Cashh Flo ~14.2HH, 2020, Sorrel AQHA Gelding

Cash has got the moves and the chrome to go with it! He is a classy, flashy, cowy gelding! He is so well trained and loves his job. Whether you want a ranch horse, versatility horse, reined cow horse, rope horse, team penning or sorting horse, you'll have fun on Cash! He is a beautiful mover and is easy to ride! He has a big stop and a soft easy to sit jog and lope. Cash will work a gate, side pass, turn around on his forehand or hindquarters and backs up soft. He has great ground manners, easy to catch, lead, load, hauls, stands tied, bathes, grooms, picks feet, saddles, bridles, stands for mount and dismount and is good for the vet and the farrier. Loads in the trailer well and is quiet in new places. Don't miss this adorable gelding!

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