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Golden Four Star ~15.0HH, 2016, Red Dun, AQHA, Mare **SOLD**

Ellie is a packer on the trail and in the arena with a steady, quiet, been there, done that personality! She is the type you can put non-rider friends and family on to trail ride along with you! She is fun, quiet, willing and uncomplicated! Ellie has previously been used as a beginner lesson horse and has taken care of all ages. She backs up, walk, jog, lopes nice circles and will turn on the haunches. She has a nice soft mouth, stays in front of your leg well, will neck rein and direct rein, and has a great stop. She is easy and classy, quiet to catch, lead, load, haul, bathe, groom, pick feet, saddle, bridle, stands tied, stands still for mount and dismount, and great for the vet and the farrier. She has been ridden out alone, in groups, been down the side of the road, hauled to arenas for events, and has been into town and handles traffic and commotion like a super-star! Ellie is a very relaxed, sweet, well broke girl that is uncomplicated enough for just about anyone to get along with!

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