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Stella ~14.2, 5yrs, Buckskin QH Mare

Hey, Stella! Stella has been there, done that out on the trail! She has been used on large ranch gathering and sorting pairs. She has a great stop, nice walk, trot, canter both ways and backs up soft. She is super uncomplicated and has absolutely never offered to be cold or tight! She is the kind you can leave off for a month, come back and she is the same. She is a brave personality and loves to trail ride! She is confident out on the trails alone or in a group. She has been ridden in rough country and handles the terrain well. She loves the water! Stella crosses all the obstacles well. She would quickly make a playday mount, barrel horse, sorter and team penner or breakaway or heel horse. Stella has great ground manners, easy to catch, lead, load, haul, groom, pick feet, bathe, saddle, bridle, she stands tied, and quiet for the vet and the farrier.

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