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TsRedFeatherPlaygirl aka: "Cat" - 14.3H, 2006', sorrel AQHA mare

Cat is one of the broke-est, most honest horses we have had this year.  She is extremely sweet natured, quiet, and willing to please.  The very best disposition that you could ask for!!!  Cat is a super-star starter horse to run barrels on, compete in playdays, penning, or sorting.  And she is also a step up if you need a little more athleticism and handle, she is one of those rare horses that has all the quick-ness and ability that you could need, but also has an incredible care-taker disposition.  She is perfectly content to go at whatever pace you are asking her for, and doesn't offer more speed than asked for.  She'll run a smoking barrel or pole run, then go right back in and trot the pattern on a loose rein.  She'll do a fast 10 header in the sorting pen and she'll get down in the gate and get around, then you can through a kid or beginner up on her and she'll go right back in and trot quiet to the herd going their pace. Cat was originally trained and showed as a cutter and has NCHA earnings.  She would be great for ranch horse versatility competitions, ranch cuttings, and with a tune up could easily go back to showing in the cutting pen.  She also trail rides exceptionally well, happy to be out alone or in a group.  Will leave the group willingly and will follow or lead the group.  Great in traffic, crossing creeks, bridges, and ditches.  Has been hauled to events all over the country, has competed successfully and won money on both a local and national level, has been to the huge venues and your smaller local arenas too.  This girl has seen it all!  Great ground manners; loads, hauls, clips, bathes, easy to catch, gets along well with other horses, stands tied anywhere, great in crowded pens, drops her head to be bridled, quiet to tack up, good for the vet and farrier.  To top her many other assets off, Cat is gorgeous, big bodied, the perfect size, just the right age, and she is royally bred!  An own daughter of Cats Red Feather and out of a Freckles Playboy mare, she will be well worth breeding.  Watch her videos - this mare is special!!!

 Please scroll down to see her pictures and videos!

$9,500                    Cat's Pedigree

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Horse's Lifetime, Awards and Eligibility Earnings.
The following horse(s) have tsredfeatherplaygirl in their name(s)
TSREDFEATHERPLAYGIRL,#4801123 has won $1,190.60 in NCHA dollars
of which $132.80 is used to determine eligibility for the 2012 point year
[2013 eligibility is $132.80. (This amount will change as earnings are posted).]



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 Click on pictures below to enlarge



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10/18/12 barrel race - 18.128 - 4D time!!!
Ridden by young youth rider - this was the rider's very first jackpot race!!!


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10/18/12 barrel race - taking boots off in the alley after running


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10/18/12 barrel race - warming up in crowded back pen - walking and trotting

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10/18/12 barrel race - warming up in crowded back pen - trotting and loping


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10/18/12 barrel race - warming up in crowded back pen - trotting and loping
LONG clip


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10/18/12 barrel race - warming up in big pen during drag

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10/18/12 barrel race - trot exhibition


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10/18/12 barrel race - high lope exhibition


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10/16/12 lesson - trotting through pattern, stopping at barrels


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10/16/12 lesson - walking through barrels, working on form


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10/16/12 lesson - fast lope through barrels, then walk pattern


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10/11/12 barrel race - 17.068 - just barely out of the 3D money!


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10/11/12 poles


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10/11/12 exhibition barrels - 16.816


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10/11/12 exhibition barrels - trotting pattern quietly right after running


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