
Wil Mil Mate - 14.1H, 2005'
sorrel AQHA gelding
is a stout, drop dead gorgeous gelding. He runs the barrels, sorts,
and has had over a year of cutting training. Trail rides great in a
group or will ride out quietly alone. Awesome short, smooth lope, hard
stop, great rollbacks, and flying lead changes. Mate softly and
easily, backs up, sidepasses, turns around both ways, and works a gate.
Will ride bareback in just a halter and lead rope, and he is usually ridden
in just a loose ring snaffle bit and goes on a loose rein. Super
ground manners, easy to bridle, tack up, good with his feet, self loads,
ties anywhere,
good turned out with others and is easy to catch. Mate
would make a fancy, deluxe junior rodeo
horse, playday horse, or could make a heel horse, he he everything he needs
to quickly and easily make a nice breakaway horse. Mate is a knock
out, everyone always notices this gelding, he is as pretty as they come.
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