YB Good aka: "Goodie" - 14.3HH,
bay AQHA mare
is the perfect babysitter for a young child or a timid rider that needs
a confidence boost. Angel disposition, very mellow and kind.
She has awesome, super slow, smooth gaits, pretty little pitter patter
jog and a go-nowhere, rocking horse lope. Goodie is lazy and does
not go anywhere in any sort of a hurry. Will jog off leg pressure,
or clucking. Will lope of easily when asked - tiny young riders
usually need spurs to
be able to get a nice lope off. Has been ridden walk-jog-lope, by
kids as young as 4 years old. She is the type that can sit in a
stall for several days, hop on, and rides off quiet. Great western
pleasure pedigree, could also be used as a broodmare. Super nice
ground manners, very polite on the ground. Easy for even tiny ones
to lead, brush, bathe, etc. Everyone loves to ride her bareback,
she is comfy and easy.
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