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Horses Sold ~See how some of our sold horses are doing with their
new owners!!

Hot Snickers aka: "McClane" -
1996', brown AQHA gelding
McClane is an INCREDIBLE, broke, broke, broke
gelding. Just about anyone can ride this horse and feel comfortable and
confident. He is a finished western pleasure horse, he is a beautiful mover, super slow-legged. Drapes
his head and packs his face in on his own. Lopes off slow and quiet on
either lead, has an awesome spur stop on him, he will suck back and slow down
off spur as well as stop and back. He also responds to verbal cues, clucking,
"easy", and "whoa". He has been ridden by young beginner
children and is an awesome babysitter. Quiet on the ground, ties, clips
with no twitch, loads, bathes, hauls. He is a showmanship machine, this
would make an awesome first time show horse for just about any age/level of
rider. Everyone who has ridden this horse is wowed, he rides like a dream.
It's hard to find one to even compare to for this price. He is only
offered for sale as his owner has moved up and he is without a job. This
is one cool gelding with an amazing disposition and thousands of dollars in
training, he's a joy to ride and be

JustaLito Pink
Lace aka: "Lacey"
- 15.1HH, 1999', red roan/overo APHA mare
is an awesome all-around kid's horse. She was originally trained
and shown in reining, has also competed in all-around events at local shows,
had hunter/jumper training, and many, many trail miles. She has
been primarily a pleasure/trail horse for the past two years. She
is sweet natured, a pretty mover. Can go many directions, could be
great to take to the local playdays, show, and trail ride on.
She'd make a great 4H horse for a kid, or awesome pleasure horse for a
rider that wants to try it all. She has nice gaits, does well with just about any type of rider on her.
She has a quick stop, will pick up either lead, spins both ways, necks
reins well. Well ride around bridle-less!!!

"Chance" - 15.1HH,
2000', bay
quarter horse gelding

"Chance" is a cute gelding with a lot of speed and handle on him.
he would be great for a teenage rider that's wanting to do local
playdays, barrels/poles, rope, team pen, etc. He is super athletic
and agile, has a big turn around, lead changes, hard stop. He has
been hauled, leads, loads, and ties quietly, the only vice we have found
is that he can be difficult to bridle. He has also been started
roping and has worked cattle. Chance is a blast to quick and

Dusty Freckle Face aka: "Bunny"
- 15.1HH, 2001', chestnut/overo APHA
is one athletic, talented little mare. She has had months and
months of professional training and rides like a dream. She won
money cutting as a 3 and 4 year old, and has been winning money team
penning for the past year. She is not for a first time penner, she
is super quick and loves to pen, she will eat a cow up and does her job.
She has also had some barrel/pole training
and has loads of potential, should make an incredible all-around mare.
She neck reins around, slid stops, rolls back awesome, has lead changes,
and she spins around like a reiner. This mare is just awesome to
ride, she is not for a beginner as she gives what you ask of her plus
some. She's talented, good minded, and she is pretty too!

Page Boys Roper - 15.3HH, 1995', red dun AQHA gelding
gorgeous red dun gelding, "Roper" is a super smooth ride, just about
anyone can ride this horse. He is on the lazy side and has a laid
back, easy
disposition. He is a beautiful mover, and will ride slow on a
droopy rein. He is really broke, has been ridden by beginner adult
and youth riders and done really well for them. He has been trail
ridden, and has tons of professional training and show miles. He
is an awesome all-around horse, has been show successfully in halter,
showmanship, western pleasure, horsemanship, western riding, trail,
hunter under saddle, equitation, hunter hack, hunter over fences,
equitation over fences, and jumping.

Dance In
Limelight aka: "Dancer" - 16.1HH,
1994', bay/overo AQHA/APHA mare
Dancer is an incredible
all-around show mare and kids horse. This mare has 44 open and
amateur APHA points, she has two ROM's!!! Has points in hunter
under saddle, hunt seat equitation, hunter hack, equitation over fences, hunter
over fences, western horsemanship, and jumping! Truly an all-around mare,
she is also an exceptional trail horse and wonderful producer. One of her
babies just sold for $4500 as a weanling! Buy her
and get her money back
just by breeding her! She is currently
being ridden and lightly
This mare has a ton of heart and try. She has wonderful gaits, super soft,
slow jog and lope, and extends nicely for the English classes. Just about
anyone can walk-trot and lope on this mare, just sit up there and hold the
reins! She neck reins, moves off of leg pressure easily, has a great stop.
This mare has tons of show miles, she sold for $35K earlier in her show career.
Don't miss an opportunity to get a bargain on a top mare! She has a kind,
forgiving disposition, great for beginners, and an excellent confidence builder.

N Classy Sold!
- 15.2HH, 1990', bay, AQHA mare
Awesome, broke, broke, broke mare. She has open
reining points, and really rides around. She has won many local
open reining classes with youth and amateur riders, her last rider was a
9 yr old girl. This mare slide stops, switches leads, does slow
and fast circles, and spins around nothing to it. You just step
into a spin, then just sit there. Bump her around, and she gets
faster and faster. She is an own daughter of Taris
Catalyst, check out her
Pedigree! It's
hard to find a mare bred this well anywhere, and let alone for this
price, she can more then pay for herself as a broodmare and she's still
in great shape if someone wants to show her.

Can U Top
My Notches aka: "Alex" - 15.2HH,
2003', red roan AQHA gelding Sold!
dead gorgeous young gelding with a solid foundation, he walk-trot-lopes
both ways, picks up his leads well, has an excellent stop, backs,
pivots. Started spinning and is going just great, lopes nice
slow and fast circles, gives vertically and laterally, soft and supple, rides
with his head low. This gelding could make an awesome pleasure horse,
trail horse, or could go to the local shows! He is absolutely stunning!
Kept in the barn, in great weight, beautiful, shiny, slick coat, under lights
and blanketed. This gelding is priced to sell!

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