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Horses Sold     ~See how some of our sold horses are doing with their new owners!

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Little Blue Adobe - 15.1H, 2003', gray AQHA gelding     Sold!

Adobe is a gorgeous gray gelding who is extremely uncomplicated and easy to ride.  He has extremely smooth gaits, a quick stop, and an awesome neck rein.  This guy is a cadillac with a quick handle too!  He is extremely classy, looks good doing anything!  He can babysit the kids and also has the moves and speed to go sort, team pen, run barrels, and rope!  Wonderful ground manners, cute, fun personality. Easy to clip, lead, load, haul, bathe, stands tied, good with his feet, easy to groom and tack up, drops his head for the bridle, quiet for the vet and farrier, and stands for mount and dismount.  This is a classy, solid gelding that can do anything that you want to go do on him!

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"Gypsy" - 13.2H, 11 yr., bay POA gelding      Sold!

Gypsy is a fancy, gorgeous, super-cool little pony that rides around just like a big horse!  Gypsy does everything you can do on a big horse, he walk-trot-lopes both ways, can trot and lope pretty circles, big stop, backs up, sidepasses, swaps his leads, knows the barrels and poles, and jumps!!  Super outside, has had lots of outside miles, great little trail horse and can march out at the walk and keep up with the bigger horses.  Gypsy goes right through water, brush, bridges, and creeks.  This little guy rides around one-handed on a loose rein, will even ride around with his bridle off!  Watch his videos, this guy is awesome, there are not many out there like him!

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Qui Mate - 14.3H, 2000', sorrel AQHA gelding      Sold!

Qui Mate is a broke-to-death, been-there, done-that, seen-that gelding.  If you are looking for a solid, classy ride that is no hassle and super easy, this is your guy.  Qui Mate has been used for ranch work, has won money team penning and ranch sorting, has also done playdays, tons of trail ridings, and was originally a show cutter, he earned over $13,000 NCHA and knows how to handle a cow!  Great ground manners, no bad habits or vices, easy as they get.  This guy is a classy packer who knows his job!  Watch his video!

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Merada San Badger - 14.2H, 2002', sorrel AQHA gelding      Sold!

Badger is a well broke, solid, been-there, done-that, seen-that gelding.  He has miles and miles on him, but still years of use in front of him.   Bred to be an athlete, he is an own son of Leo Merada, and out of an own daughter of Peppy San Badger that has won over $10,000 NCHA.  He has won tons of team penning and sorting checks and is suitable for just about every level of rider, from first time to someone that wants to step up their game.  Very simple, uncomplicated, very little maintenance required; can leave him out in your pasture, catch him up, and haul him to an event and have a great time.  He has a handy, versatile all-around handle on him.  He is a great trail horse, has been used to teach youth riding lessons, has also been shown at local shows, could be great in ranch horse versatility, has been to playdays, has been roped off of, this guy is ready for just about any job that you have for him.  He is getting, slick, fat and even prettier every day as our weather warms up.  Check out his videos and watch him ride around!

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Sunrise Flo - 15.1H, 2004', bay AQHA gelding      Sold!

Flo is one of those special, super-star, packer, confidence-builder types that everyone is looking for!  Flo has thousands and thousands of dollars in high quality professional training invested in him.  He has been well cared for, has been hauled, shown, and can keep up with the best of them, then turn around and babysit the tiniest of beginner riders.  He has $11,000 in NCHA earnings and has won tons of jackpot money cutting, sorting, and team penning.  He is an excellent mount for ranch

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Chaoticat aka: "Chaos" - 14.2H, 2005', chestnut AQHA gelding      Sold!

Chaos is a super cool gelding with a huge stop and turn around, awesome quick side-to-side, but still easy going enough to be very cozy and easy to ride!  He has extremely smooth moves, easy to sit and does not jar you around, smooth flat jog and nice short lope, anyone can ride this guy.  His personality is laid back and dead quiet, but he has the training and moves to put you right where you need to be every time.  This guy has won a ton of money team penning and sorting, and is a finished cutter who won almost $3,000 in NCHA earnings!  Chaos is also incredible on the barrels, he clocks easy in the 2D with plenty of room to add speed, clean up his pattern, and consistently clock in the 1/2D at the big races and rodeos.  No issues whatsoever....contiue reading

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"Amarillo" - 14.3H, 2003', palomino quarter horse gelding      Sold!

"Amarillo" is a big, stout, big-boned trail riding gelding.  He has been hauled and has been miles and miles outside.  If you need one to catch, hop on, and go somewhere, then this is your guy!  Has been used to gather and sort cattle in the pasture and has been hauled to trail rides as well as ridden at home.  Great with other horses, has been camping/trail riding overnight, will stay quiet in a temporary pen with other horses, in the trailer, or tied to the side of the trailer.  Good ground manners, easy to catch, clips, bathes, stands tied anywhere, quiet to pick feet, tack up, bridle, and good for the vet and the farrier.  Low maintenance, just pasture kept, also good in a stall.  This is a super solid gelding that is ready to go!

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WSR Levis High Brow - 14.1H, 2002', red dun AQHA mare      Sold!

Tootsie is the best all-around starter horse for a youth or new rider that you could ask for!  She is just the right age, super star bred, athletic, but willing to go as slow as you want to go.  Tootsie has big moves on a cow and will put where you need to be in the penning and sorting, awesome in the gate!  And she is content to go slow and quiet too.  Super fancy handle, light quick turn around, side passes, swaps her leads, soft jog and lope, low-headed, and does it all with no bridle!!!  Has been used for lots of trail riding, and is a favorite lesson horse here.  Wonderful ground manners; easy to catch, groom, pick feet, tack up, bridle, clip, bathe, stands for the farrier and quiet for the vet, stands tied anywhere, hops right in the trailer, hauls well, and great in new places!  Gorgeous little mare, this girl has it all!

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Ten Karat Kat - 14.2H, 2008', palomino AQHA gelding       Sold!

Kit Kat is one of the fanciest looking, classiest geldings that you could find.  If you want an athlete that will also turn heads, this is your guy!  He has had two years of cutting training, has been used for ranch work, team penning and sorting, and has been roped off of.  Great with other horses, has been camping/trail riding overnight, will stay quiet in a temporary pen with other horses, in the trailer, or tied to the side of the trailer. 

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Colonel T Reyote - 15H, 2004', sorrel AQHA gelding       Sold!

Reyote is one of the easiest, most willing horses we have ever come across.  The very best attitude you could ask for.  He is super smooth, naturally balanced in all of his gaits and low headed.   Has a big, soft stop, gorgeous lope off, pitter-patter lope, slow jog, awesome turn around both ways, backs up, side passes, and exceptional lead changes.  Excellent ground manners, easy to catch, clips perfectly, stands for a bathe, gentle with his feet, good to groom, tack up, drops his head to be bridled, perfect for the vet and the farrier, hops right in the trailer, hauls, like a pro, and stands tied anywhere quietly for hours.  Reyote is broke to a rope, carries a flag, will watch a cow, sort, team pen, playdays, run barrels, trail ride, and show at the local all-around shows or ranch horse versatility, shows.  Perfect starter horse, packs around the beginner and little kids, excellent confidence builder.  These kind are extremely hard to find!

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